Honor & Memorial Gifts to the Garden

Make an honor or memorial gift to the Garden that will allow you to pay tribute to the memory of a friend or loved one or mark a special occasion.

You can make a donation to the Garden in honor of a special person using our standard online donation form. We will notify your friends or family of your kind gesture and your gift is fully tax deductible.



Central Garden Commemorative Brick and Paver Program Has Ended

Beginning in 2000, friends of the Garden could support our mission by purchasing engraved bluestone bricks and pavers for installation along the walkways of the Central Garden between the Robins Visitor Center and the Conservatory. The last available spaces have been sold, and the program officially ended on November 1, 2019.

It is a bittersweet pleasure today to stroll through the Central Garden and be reminded of the treasured memories the space holds for so many people in this community. We value the thoughts and feelings behind these commemorative bricks and pavers and make every effort to preserve them.

For help locating a brick or paver in the Garden, contact us at [email protected] or stop by the Robins Visitors Center. We will need the name of the donor, the individual(s) honored, or the inscription text to help locate your item.


Gifts can be made to the Garden in honor, memory, or recognition of the special people and moments in your life. Gifts in tribute may be sent via postal mail or made online.

If you plan to include in an obituary that gifts can be made to the Garden in your loved one’s memory, please let us know so that we can inform you as gifts are made.

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Make a Planned Gift to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.

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