March Blooms

Visit the Garden as spring awakens sleeping beauties like narcissus, crocus, cherry trees, iris and magnolias. Early spring at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is filled with the wonder and anticipation of March blooms. Find bright pink cyclamen hidden in shady wooded areas. Watch in awe as snow-like cherry blossoms rain down with the slightest breeze. Take a romantic stroll with your sweetheart on an early spring day along the Cherry Tree Walk around Sydnor Lake. As March unfurls so do countless buds, building anticipation for the start of A Million Blooms on at the end of March.

Use our March Garden Explorer tour from your desktop or smartphone to plan your visit around these blooms!

Daffodil 'Cum Laude'

Narcissus ‘Cum Laude’ is one of our favorite daffodils. Its ruffly split corona blooms explode in muted peaches and creams. If a daffodil could have confidence, this one does! The name, ‘Cum Laude,’ after all, means with distinction, or literally with praise. You’ll find clusters of the fragrant beauties blooming in the Central Garden, Flagler Garden and in Grace Arents Garden.

Daffodil 'Sweet Orange'

Narcissus ‘Sweet Orange’ in Flagler Garden has a white flowers and a bright orange cup. According to the American Daffodil Society there are between 40 and 200 different species, subspecies or varieties of species — and over 25,000 registered cultivars (named hybrids).  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden has over 400 different cultivars!

Daffodil 'Lora Robins'

Narcissus ‘Lora Robins’ is a large cup daffodil named after our beloved benefactor, Lora Robins. You’ll find it in Rob’s Garden just across the path from Grace Arents Garden.

Daffodil 'Jetfire'

Narcissus ‘Jetfire’ is a miniature daffodil with swept-back petals and a bright orange cup. As one of our early bloomers thats planted prolifically, you won’t want to miss walking across the decking from the West Island Garden to be surrounded by the contrast of crepe myrtles and ‘Jetfire’ on both sides of the walkway. You’ll also find this sweet bloom in the Bragdon Memorial Garden in the Central Garden. 

Dwarf Iris

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden has over 150 cultivars of iris, but this beauty,  Iris reticulata, is nearly always the first to bloom. For that reason, it holds a special place in our hearts. We know if the dwarf iris is blooming, that spring really is on its way! You’ll find clusters of these small, purple, spotted flowers in Flagler Garden, the Asian Valley and Grace Arents Garden.


Crocus 'Blue Bird'

Crocus chrysanthus ‘Blue Bird’  will greet you singing with its brilliant color in the Central Garden, just after you enter the Garden.

Lily of the Valley Bush

Pieris japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’ is also called  Lily of the Valley bush. It features drooping clusters of white- pink, pearl-like flowers and a fragrance you won’t soon forget. You’ll find it on the path across from the clusters of ‘Jet Fire’ daffodils on the brick walkway in Flagler Garden.

Dutch Crocus 'Pickwick'

Crocus vernus ‘Pickwick’  is a striped silver-lavender and purple bloom with a bright orange center. The blooms are larger than most croci and make a bigger visual impact. You’ll find it on at the north end of Sydnor Lake in Margaret Streb Conifer Garden. Like daffodils, these beauties come back year after year. 

Lenten Rose 'Maroon Strain'

Some call this beauty a Lenten Rose because it tends to bloom around Lent. The botanical name is Helleborus orientalis ‘Maroon Strain.’  Unlike most Lenten Roses that are white or green,  this beauty features a burgundy to maroon color.  You’ll find it in several spots in Flagler Garden.

Camellia 'Betty Sette'

Camellia japonica ‘Betty Sette’ features blooms with rose-like forms as they open.  The contrast of the dark green glossy leaves with the bright pink blooms makes for a big first impression. You’ll find this beauty in the Asian Valley.

Cherry Plum 'Thundercloud'

Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud’ is a showy, fragrant tree with 5-petaled purple to pink blooms that hold their color well throughout the bloom season.  When fruiting, it attracts birds. You’ll find it in the Central Garden and along the Cherry Tree Walk

Bell-flowered Cherry 'Okamé'

 You’ll find Prunus × incam ‘Okamé’  in the Central Garden, the Asian Valley and of course along the Cherry Tree Walk.

Star Magnolia

Magnolia stellata features furry gray buds opening to multi-petal, white, star-shaped blooms.  You’ll find it in several areas of the Asian Valley. When it’s blooming, it’s hard to miss!


Camellia 'Crimson Candles'

Camellia japonica ‘Crimson Candles’ is one of our most prolific blooming camellias. When you find it, look up! You’ll be surprised at how many blooms this shrub has. Who knows, it may even remind you of a candelabra filled with brightly lit red wax candles.  You’ll find it in the Asian Valley on the left-hand side as you descend the hill.

Cornelian Cherry

Cornus mas  or Cornelian cherry dogwood, an explosion of yellow fireworks, is bursting in Flagler Garden! This Cornelian cherry dogwood or Cornus mas is a welcome surprise after a long winter. You’ll also find it in the Children’s Garden. 

Winter Heath 'Springwood Pink'

Erica carnea ‘Springwood Pink’ provides another splash of color with its small, pink, bell-shaped blooms. You’ll spot it in Asian Valley.  It’s closely related to Scotch Heather. 

Golden Ragwort

It may remind you of sunflowers, but Packera aurea  is actually in the aster family.  We like it because it’s a bright splash of early color, and it grows easily enough in shade. It freely self-seeds to spread. You’ll find it in several spots in Flagler Garden.

Giant Snowflake

In March, we’re ready for spring, and Leucojum aestivum or giant snowflake is the only kind of snow we hope to see! You’ll find these white and green blooms in several spots in Flagler Garden and in the Asian Valley.

Camellia 'Kumasaka'

This striking beauty doesn’t have to work hard for your attention! You will find Camellia japonica ‘Kumasaka’ in the Asian Valley, along with many more camellias. There are too many blooming to mention them all, but this is one of our favorites for its full double bloom accented by glossy green foliage. 

Spring Crocus 'Flower Record'

Crocus vernus ‘Flower Record’ is an early-blooming corm with giant flowers — nearly 2 inches across. Like many croci, these flowers open in the morning, close at night, and stay closed on cloudy and rainy days. You’ll find it along the Main Garden Walk.

Snake's Head Iris

We love this heirloom iris, Hermodactylus tuberosus, for how it really does look like a snake’s head! The unusual shape and green and black color make it a show-stopper. You’ll find these fragrant beauties blooming in  Streb Conifer Garden not far from the white gazebo.


Sanguinaria canadensis or bloodroot blooms in March before the trees leaf out. It has a pretty unusual name for a plant, so gotten because of the rust-red sap that oozes from the plant when cut. Native Americans used the sap as a dye, but caution, the sap will burn your hands and is poisonous if eaten.  You will find this beauty in Flagler Garden.

See March's Bright Spots. Highlighting current blooms and interest.

March's Bright Spots (PDF)