The bees place in our world is important beyond our understanding. “They are one of the reasons, if not the main reason,” for the possibility of human development on earth. Without them, the development of life on earth, and conditions for human development may not have existed.
“No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” – Albert Einstein

Let Your Life Bee
The bees place in our world is important beyond our understanding. Without them, the development of life on earth, and conditions for human development may not have existed. These conditions are the appearance of the flower-bearing plants and pollinators, with the bees, being the crown jewel of the pollinators.
The Beehive, as a whole, is a superorganism indeed a universe of life!
The matriarchal group organization of a queen and thousands of female worker bees and male drones have had to adapt and overcome all the conditions of change that can happen over a 100,000,000 year period of time.
EL CANTO DE LAS REINAS – (The Song of the Queens – (Piping) Only one queen lives in a given hive. Queen bees are made not born and most of the reason for this appears to be her diet of royal jelly. The Queens fight to the death until only one remains.
EL SOL (The Son) – Queen of the SUN – The Nuptial Flight The sun is indispensable for their life! Bees need the sun as a reference point in navigation and communication through their dance language. The queen bee is the heart and soul of the honey bee colony. She is the reason for nearly everything the rest of the colony does.
Tus Besos me saben a Miel (Your Kisses taste like Honey) The surviving queen will fly out on a sunny, warm day to a “drone congregation area”
Taking care of the Baby Queens
”The Gold Dust of Nature”
“If the earth were deprived of flowers,
half its vitality would disappear.”
Finale music composed by DJ Halber