Now scheduling programs spring for 2025!
Scout Programs
Looking for a fun, interactive trip for your scout troop?
Enjoy a 90-minute outdoor experience that will fulfill garden-related Girl Scout Badges or Cub Scout Adventure requirements and have your scouts engaged and inspired.
Girl Scout Programs
Daisy | Outdoor Art Maker
Daisy | Shapes in Nature
Daisy | Numbers in Nature
Brownie | Bugs
Brownie | Outdoor Art Creator
Junior | Flowers
Cadette | Outdoor Art Apprentice
Cub Scout Programs
Lion | Ready, Set, Grow!
Tiger, Wolf, Bear | Champions of Nature
Looking to Schedule a Program?
Please contact our Out of School Learning Manager, Anna Gale, by email at [email protected] to inquire about programs. Scout Programs are available Mid-April through October.
Please Include the Following:
- Name:
- Troop Number:
- Street Address:
- Phone Number:
- Preferred Day of Program:
- Preferred Time of Program (10 – 11:30am OR 2:00 – 3:30pm):
- Estimated Number of Scouts:
- Level of Scouts:
- Preferred Program (if known):
- Are you a member of the Garden?
Fees and Payment
- $14 per scout
- The minimum group fee is $140.
- Group size is limited to 15 scouts.
- 1 Garden admission per 5 scouts will be provided free of charge for adult chaperones.
- Additional adults will be charged regular Garden admission.
- Siblings may attend as participants (not recommended for ages under 5 years).
- Final attendance numbers and payment due seven business days prior to the program.
- Badge not included with program fee.
Program Policies
Dates are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Programs must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Our preferred day for programs is Saturday, but we can work with groups as needed.
Our Group Information Guide for Scouts is required reading for any group booking a trip to the Garden. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the entire document before booking your program.