May 22nd, 2015

The Dr. Seuss of Flowers

Allium 'Ambassador' photo by Heather Veneziano

Ornamental onions like Allium ‘Ambassador’ are great late-spring to early-summer flowers.   Both kids and adults love them, and we often hear visitors say they look like “Dr. Seuss flowers.”   There are many different types and sizes of ornamental onions — white, yellow, lilac, and blue. So if you plant a variety of colors and sizes, your garden might look even more like a real-life version of a Dr. Seuss book.

We plant our Allium bulbs in the fall, at the same time as daffodils and tulips. They really like well-drained soil, so we keep that in mind when we choose where to plant them.  Best of all: the blooms last for weeks and after the bloom fades, even the seed head is beautiful.

Come by and see these beautiful flowers — right now they are in full bloom the Children’s Garden.

Jonah Holland is Digital Content Manager at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, where she has worked for 14 years overseeing social media, the blog, and the website. She is also a mom, yogi, open water swimmer, gardener, and seeker. She's been known to go for a walk in the Garden and come back with hundreds of plant photos, completely inspired to write her next blog post.

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