Community Kitchen Garden: Breaking Ground
by Janine Butler, Garden volunteer
You may have already heard some of the buzz about an exciting new project here at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden — the plan is to plant a Community Kitchen Garden and grow 10,000 pounds of fresh produce this growing season, with all the produce from this garden being donated to Central Virginia Foodbank (and its parent organization FeedMore) to help fight the battle against hunger.
As a new volunteer at Lewis Ginter I will get to witness this project from start to finish over the next few months and will be updating this blog with all the news: what’s sprouting, what’s growing, even reporting on things that should have grown but maybe didn’t. It’s going to be a great learning experience for me, and hopefully for the community following along with this blog. Although I like to garden at home I have never planted a veggie garden before, except for the one cherry tomato plant I tried to grow several years ago which didn’t turn out too good – I think I got a whopping 3 whole tomatoes! Luckily for me and the veggies this project will be run by knowledgeable experts, both Lewis Ginter staff and volunteers.
Work has already begun to prepare the site, and last Monday Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Executive Director Frank Robinson and Feedmore President/CEO Fay Lohr were onsite to break ground, along with William Darr, of CT Purcell, Inc., who in the true spirit of community involvement kindly volunteered the time and heavy equipment to dig up one fifth of an acre that will be used to grow the veggies.

Feedmore President/CEO Fay Lohr (left) and Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Executive Director Frank Robinson help break ground on the Community Kitchen Garden
I hope to do my part too. I am looking forward to the upcoming months. I would also love to hear your comments about the Community Kitchen Garden. Or tell me about other projects that you know of or are involved with.
Happy Gardening!