Oct 11th, 2011

Exercise Your Right to Vote — for Your Favorite Scarecrow

by Beth Monroe, Director of Public Relations &  Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

That’s right everyone, it’s time to vote for your favorite scarecrow.

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is participating in the  Lakeside Avenue Harvest Scarecrow Festival, sponsored by the Lakeside Business Association.   Take a minute to Vote for your favorite scarecrow and help us “scare away hunger.”  Each Lakeside business with a scarecrow is also collecting canned food to help supply the LAMB’s Basket food pantry and pet food to help feed the animals at the Richmond SPCA.

VeggieCrow at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

VeggieCrow at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

Many thanks to the Garden volunteers, Darlene VanLaan, the Garden’s volunteer manager,  and the Children’s Garden staff for creating the Garden’s entry –- our very own veggie-crow!

Even if you don’t carrot all, please consider voting. Our volunteers worked hard on this with no celery. Thanks a melon to them. (Fruit and vegetable puns are hard to beet!)

Have a grape day!



Jonah Holland is Digital Content Manager at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, where she has worked for 14 years overseeing social media, the blog, and the website. She is also a mom, yogi, open water swimmer, gardener, and seeker. She's been known to go for a walk in the Garden and come back with hundreds of plant photos, completely inspired to write her next blog post.

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