Dec 9th, 2012

A Pickle on Each Christmas Tree

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

The pickle comes in 2 sizes. This one is the large  -- $4.95. The smaller one is even harder to find on the tree

The pickle ornament. $4.95 each.

Does your family hide a pickle on your Christmas Tree? You don’t?  Maybe it’s time to start a new tradition! The person who finds it gets an extra present or a year of good fortune.  What a fun way to start out Christmas morning!  This, and other great ornaments are for sale in the Garden Shop.

pickle story

The famous pickle story.

Jonah Holland is Digital Content Manager at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, where she has worked for 14 years overseeing social media, the blog, and the website. She is also a mom, yogi, open water swimmer, gardener, and seeker. She's been known to go for a walk in the Garden and come back with hundreds of plant photos, completely inspired to write her next blog post.

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