Asian-inspired Ornaments: Zodiac, Koi & Origami
by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
In my family we have a tradition: each year my children pick out ornaments for their grandmothers in the Garden Shop at Lewis Ginter. (Spoiler alert — for any of my kid’s grandmothers who are reading along — you may want to avert your eyes now!) This year, each of my children picked out their ornaments back in November. They were so excited to choose something that would be sentimental and meaningful for each grandmother.
The only problem is, each time I cross through the Garden Shop (on a way to a meeting, of course!) I find something else that I didn’t see the trip before. When it comes to ornaments, I have a soft spot — and so on my latest trip through the shop, Heather Pearce, the Garden Shop’s assistant manager, showed me some of our most popular items from this year, as well as a few items she loves, but haven’t yet been discovered by the masses.
Scroll down to see the Zodiac ornaments that have been incredibly popular. They are very affordable – and so fun. Click the zodiac guide to see what sign you are, based on your birth year.

In theme with East Meets West, this year’s Dominion GardenFest of Lights theme, we have some great origami ornaments. This one is $14.95.
Here’s the low-down — and if you have any last minute shopping to do, remember the Garden Shop has some really great items. If you are a Member, you get 10 percent off your purchases. And 100 percent of the proceeds, whether you are a member or not, go to support the Garden’s educational mission. So this is a gift you get to feel good about x2!

This koi fish were so popular in the Dominion GardenFest of Lights display that people kept asking for them in our shop. So, we ordered them! $9.95 each.