Community Kitchen Garden

Oct 23rd, 2012

Batata Boom Boom

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Ipomea batatas that is – sweet potatoes. We started the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden […]

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Oct 19th, 2012

A Not So Sweet Surprise

by Laura Schumm, Community Kitchen Garden Research Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden; photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator As we’ve mentioned on this blog,  in July volunteers planted 250 sweet […]

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Oct 9th, 2012

Ta Ta & Toodle-oo Tomatoes

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator There’s something incongruous about a chilly 50 degree, gray, wet day and the warm color […]

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Oct 5th, 2012

Friend or Foe?

by Laura Schumm, Community Kitchen Garden Research Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden; photos by Brian Vick, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator There has been a large amount of insect activity here in the […]

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Sep 29th, 2012

Cole Crop Capstone

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Planting is now complete for the 2012 Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden cole crops. A […]

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Sep 26th, 2012

Rambunctious Radish

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator This headline was a toss-up, among “Radical Radish”, “Ripley’s Radish – Believe it or Not” […]

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Sep 25th, 2012

Coneflower Chorus

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our ad hoc trials with companion plants here in the 2012 Lewis […]

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Sep 12th, 2012

Let the Harvest Season Begin!

by Kristen Wolenberg, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Public Relations & Marketing Intern Even though the first official day of fall is not until September 22nd, the start of classes and the […]

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Sep 6th, 2012

Squashing a squash pest

by Laura Schumm, Community Kitchen Garden Research Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  So far this season here in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden, the squash vine borer has been one […]

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Aug 12th, 2012

The “Wow” Factor

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator This post is all about the photograph. Well, not really the photograph but the subjects. […]

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Aug 6th, 2012

Seasonal Swing

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator The summer harvest season has definitely been in full swing here in the Lewis Ginter […]

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Jul 25th, 2012

You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Catfacing and other deformities in tomatoes are a visual turnoff for most people. The reality […]

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Jul 11th, 2012

Potatoes, Patatas

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Sweet potatoes love the heat, but these slips will need to be kept very moist […]

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Jun 24th, 2012

Gold Rush

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator We’ve received several questions about the near-perfect beauty of our Gold Rush squash. In truth, […]

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Jun 23rd, 2012

Genworth Takes the Lead

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator More than 30 Genworth associates came to work in the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden […]

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Jun 22nd, 2012

Under Her Thumb

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator We’re having some fun with “weed identification” at the Lewis Ginter Community Kitchen Garden. Our […]

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Jun 20th, 2012

The Best Type of Power Surge

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator Shandra Barrett brought her team of Dominion Power customer service associates to the Lewis Ginter […]

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Jun 19th, 2012

Beetle Bugaboo

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator  Scary scarab, or just another neighbor in the Community Kitchen Garden? One of our brave […]

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Jun 12th, 2012

More Power to Ya

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator  Last Monday we had another great visit from Christa Vidonic and her Dominion Power co-workers […]

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May 31st, 2012

Kicking it Off in the Community Kitchen Garden

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator  We made our first 2012 deliveries  this week from the Community Kitchen Garden to FeedMore’s […]

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May 26th, 2012

Beetles & Radishes

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator   Quite an incongruous headline, but it includes just a couple of the topics today […]

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May 16th, 2012

Potato Promenade

Photos & text by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator   Laurel & Yevonne, the Red Pontiac potatoes you planted March 17 in the 2012 […]

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Apr 24th, 2012

Potatoes in Progress

by Albert Brian Vick,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Community Kitchen Garden Coordinator With the help of volunteers Laurel & Yevonne on Saturday, the potato patch in the Lewis Ginter Community […]

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