Education & Classes

Oct 11th, 2013

Meet Exhibit Coordinator Alex Arzt

by Jasmine Kent, PR and Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Just this August, Alex Arzt arrived in Richmond, enrolled into Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, and brought […]

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Oct 3rd, 2013

Hearts Are 'a Bustin'

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Garden visitor and Facebook fan Dinah Foreman found this beautiful plant by a creek in western Henrico County. Isn’t it […]

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Oct 2nd, 2013

Bye-Bye Butterfly

Butterflies LIVE! closes in less than 2 weeks. Don’t miss your chance to see hundreds of butterflies fluttering through the North Wing of the Conservatory.  If you’ve seen and loved […]

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Sep 27th, 2013

Lotus Pods, 2 Ways

by Jonah Holland, PR & Marketing Coordinator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden This past weekend, when I was in New York City, I got to taste a plant I’ve often enjoyed looking […]

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Sep 25th, 2013

What do Butterflies Eat?

by Kendra Norrell, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden During the Butterflies LIVE!  exhibit, there have been many guests that point out the butterflies on the floor. While this can […]

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Sep 21st, 2013

Cattails: Friend or Foe?

by Lynn Kirk, Public Relations Writer,  Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, reprinted with permission from the Richmond Times-Dispatch,  Loved by some, despised by others, such is the fate of cattails. A common sight […]

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Sep 18th, 2013

Cultivars & Nativars, Oh My!

by Grace Chapman, Director of Horticulture, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  Did you know….. That the word “cultivar” is an abbreviation of “cultivated variety”?  It means that from the straight species , […]

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Sep 9th, 2013

Jewelweed to the Rescue!

by Katelyn “Katie” Coyle, Children’s Garden Educator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden I found out about jewelweed soap when I was doing research on medicinal plants for a family workshop I […]

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Sep 5th, 2013

Bamboo Harvest Sweet Sound to Garden's Ears

By Beth Monroe, Public Relations and Marketing Director, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden When University of Richmond ethnomusicology professor Andy McGraw contacted Horticulture Director Grace Chapman to see if his students […]

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Sep 3rd, 2013

Butterfly of the Month: Paper Kites

by Kendra Norrell, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden  The Butterfly of the Month for September is the Paper Kite Butterfly (Idea leuconoe). If you have seen Paper Kites at Butterflies […]

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Aug 28th, 2013

What's Your Favorite Butterfly?

by Sally Stockslager, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden In the Butterflies LIVE! exhibit my favorite butterfly changes like the weather changes. This week the Philaethria dido or Scarce […]

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Aug 16th, 2013

Joe Pye in the Sky

Text and photos by Caitlin Puffenberger, PR & Marketing Intern, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden It’s hard to miss the stands of Joe Pye weed while passing through West Island Garden. […]

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Aug 3rd, 2013

The Gift of Luna

by Jane Cramer, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Did you enjoy National Moth Week?   At  Butterflies LIVE! we love moths.  You may have  read about our Luna moth […]

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Aug 1st, 2013

An Insider's View of Butterflies LIVE!

by Sally Stockslager, Assistant Butterfly Curator, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden As an assistant butterfly curator in the house of butterflies aka  Butterflies LIVE!  I wear many hats. Sometimes I am […]

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